Carolyn is a stay at home mom of 5 and knows the struggles of trying to make money while still being able to be

Let’s face it, there are so many different ways to make money it’s hard to know where to begin. There is freelance writing (Hubs, Lenses, greeting cards, product reviews, etc.), blogging, painting, crafting all sorts of things from sewing dresses to making jewelry, surveys, consulting, daycare, customer service jobs, data entry, mystery shopping, app making, direct sales, online work, photography and even YouTube!

The best thing you can do is to sit down and brainstorm at your kitchen table or at your computer and jot down what comes into your mind with regards to working at home such as:

  • How many hours are you able to “work” in your current situation? Do you have children under the age of 5 at home with you full time that leaves you very little spare time to devote to making extra income? Or are your children at school during the day?
  • How much extra money can you spare monthly? Extra money for sales starter kits, or arts/craft/sewing supplies, shipping materials, Internet, etc.
  • What sort of degrees/certificates/training/experience do you currently have that you could make use of? What set of skills do you currently possess (sewing, writing, programming, teaching, etc.,)?
  • What sort of work do you enjoy doing? In other words, what kind of work wouldn’t seem much like work if you were to do it? Are you a people person? Do you prefer to work alone?
  • What resources do you currently own? By resources I mean do you own a car? Do you have a computer/printer/Internet at home? Sewing machine? Digital camera? Etc.
  • What kind of resources do you have in your neighborhood? By this I mean, are you close to a post office or shipping center? Are you located close to thrift stores or second hand shops? Is there an art supply/craft store nearby? Etc.

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