Many people ask, how to photograph birds? There are numerous articles and tutorials on bird photography over the internet. Here I’m going to share my thoughts and experience on the subject. Bird photography is one of the most popular genres of nature photography and it is my biggest passion. Photographing birds is very interesting and challenging. You will need some […]
You will need some special skills and equipment to capture attractive avian images
Travelling and photography goes to toe, you travel and camera is there to capture your experience
You’ve spent days flying, driving, ferrying, boarding trains, or maybe even a combination of all of these modes of transportation to reach your destination. And now you’re finally here, the place you’ve always dreamt about, told friends about, and bragged to your coworkers about, so of course you want to capture it in all its glory on your smartphone or […]
Beautiful aerial photo of seashore, it is one of the best area foramazing photography
There was a magic about the sea. People were drawn to it. People wanted to love by it, swim in it, play in it, look at it. It was a living thing that was as unpredictable as a great stage actor: it could be calm and welcoming, opening its arms to embrace its audience one moment, but then could explode […]
Do you believe in Luck!!
Our mindset is a powerful thing. I often speak and write about research that shows how our views of the world influence our reality. One of the most widely discussed studies in this field comes from the compelling work of widely respected psychologist Ellen Langer, who documented how focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and actions of elderly men profoundly impacted […]
Fresh air can give you a fresh perspective
Chances are you always pick those at the very top to compare yourself to. No wonder you feel like you’ve come up short! Focusing on the things you’ve accomplished is a lot more productive. Smile. In one research study subjects who smiled after a stressful activity decreased their heart rate more quickly than those who didn’t. It even works if […]
Your life is a great way to boost your mood.
Keeping tabs on the things you feel lucky to have in your life is a great way to boost your mood. In a recent study from psychologists at UC Davis, researchers had 3 groups of volunteers keep weekly journals focused on a single topic. One group wrote about events that happened that week, the second group wrote about hassles they […]