There’s something amazing about a good portrait photo – the stunning features of a human, the closeness and raw emotion of the subject.
Hello Friends It’s Me David
Wildlife photography comes to life
Wildlife photography is a genre of photography concerned with documenting various forms of … requires specialist equipment, such as macro lenses for insects, long focal length lenses for birds and underwater cameras for marine life.
Do you believe in Luck!!
Our mindset is a powerful thing. I often speak and write about research that shows how our views of the world influence our reality. One of the most widely discussed studies in this field comes from the compelling work of widely respected psychologist Ellen Langer, who documented how focusing on the thoughts, feelings, and actions of elderly men profoundly impacted […]
Best Ideas for Dinner – For Family
Make your weeknight dinners completely stress-free with these slow cooker beef recipes. Everyone in your family—even the picky ones—will love how delicious these simple dishes are, and you’ll love how easy they are to make!
Night Life Photography – City
Women Photograph is an initiative that launched in 2017 to elevate the voices of women* and non-binary visual journalists. The private database includes more than 1,000 independent women documentary photographers based in 100+ countries and is available privately to any commissioning editor or organization. Women Photograph also operates an annual series of project grants for emerging and established photojournalists, a year-long […]
Fresh air can give you a fresh perspective
Chances are you always pick those at the very top to compare yourself to. No wonder you feel like you’ve come up short! Focusing on the things you’ve accomplished is a lot more productive. Smile. In one research study subjects who smiled after a stressful activity decreased their heart rate more quickly than those who didn’t. It even works if […]