The first use of the word to refer to a public venue where one can order food is believed to be in the 18th century. Boulanger established a business selling soups and other “restaurants” . Additionally, while not the first establishment where one could order food, or even soups, it is thought to be the first to offer a menu of available choices The “first real restaurant” is considered to have been “La Grande Taverne de Londres” in Paris, founded by Antoine Beauvilliers in either 1782 or 1786.According to Brillat-Savarin, this was “the first to combine the four essentials of an elegant room, smart waiters, a choice cellar, and superior cooking”. In 1802 the term was applied to an establishment where restorative foods, such as bouillon, a meat broth, were served (“établissement de restaurateur”)
David Chang Isn’t Sure the Restaurant